I think that if we worked a bit harder, then the death penalty could be something I would vouch for. As is, I do not think it is a either useful deterent, or just. The continual assignment of innocents to the death penalty is reason enough to stop.
I think that the death penalty should not be assigned until after a couple of years (ie. 5-10) in prison. I believe that if the criminal still exhibits vicious or malevolent behaviour and intent while incarcerated, and also shows no signs of rehabilitation, then perhaps it would be best if they were put on death row. I realize that this is much more effort, and relies much upon psychology and sociology, but I believe that it would be a better method than what is currently used.
I also think that the religious arguments ought not be used in a debate of such matter. I think that there are much better arguments from both sides that don't rely on ancient texts. (I'm not saying that religious views shouldn't be expressed, I'm just saying that "The Bible says it's okay" wouldn't really hold up in real philosophy)