Originally Posted by LoganSnake
I'm sorry for hijacking the thread, but as long as we're talking about penis pains, I'd like to ask a question.
It doesn't happen after sex, but after masturbation the whole circumference of the base of the head of the penis hurts when it gets erect within 2 hours of ejaculating. Can somebody share some insight on what it might be? It feels like something is pushing on it. I'm not circumcised so could it be that the foreskin puts pressure on it? I'm not as much concerned about it as I am curious. Thanks.
Sorry LoganSnake, my SO hasn't had any experience with this one. Good luck to you, though - hopefully someone will come up with some knowlege for you.
To everyone else - thank you for your suggestions. I still swear it's in the UTI realm . . . but here's an interesting side note - We both quit drinking coffee a couple of weeks ago, and now the pain seems to have diminished quite a bit. He says he still feels the presence every once in a while after he ejaculates, but nothing compared to the pain that was there . . . . in all the women's health sites they say to quite drinking coffee and soda (high acidity?) if you have chronic UTI's . . . I'm sure the same rule would apply to men. . . . it seems to be working for him, anyway

Hugs to all!