Originally Posted by Manx
Not even close.
To question his timing implies you know when and how often he expresses political opinions, that they are rare, and that this instance is somehow extraordinary for George Lucas. Personally, I have none of that information - nor do I expect you have it.
I haven't seen anyone hold his opinion higher than anyone else's. He is a celebrity however - so now you are stating that because the words of celebrities are reported, those words should not contain political speech.
You criticize him for doing it. You may not be in a position to prevent the man from speaking - but you are most certainly proclaiming his inferiority to yourself for speaking. You are attacking someone for making political statements. As such:
I sincerely do not appreciate you putting words in my mouth and ascribing things to me that I have not said.
I have said what I meant to say and I reject all that you wish to place on my shoulders.
It seems that you have some issues you wish to transfer to me, but I don't want to play, so good day.