Here is a simple test: take a one minute sample of music. First, record it with your current setup with the amp in line. Second, start a new recording without the amplfier, that is: plug the tape deck directly into the laptop, and record the same piece of music. Save both recordings to your desktop or wherever. Now, the most important part: Listen! Which one sounds better?
Have fun with it. I need to get my own casette deck out and find those favorites and get them on CD....thanks for the reminder!
Thanks for the reply. Yes ,you are right....I didn't need the little amp.
Another poster said the same thing. I tried the MP3 song transfers
with just a line output into my laptop and it worked a lot better. I'm
using TOTAL RECORDER to turn my old tapes into MP3 tunes and I
had forgotten to adjust the recording volumn in their program. Any
way ...seems like most of my Cds and tape tracks sound pretty good
to my ears from the IPod. That Ipod is pretty fantastic in itself. I
got the 20GB and did not want to spend the 300 Plus bucks for it
but I'm glad I got it.
OK on the forum...I've visited it a few times. I'll post a picture of
my headphone amp when I get it built. Sent off for the amp chips
and dual volumn control . All other parts bought from Radio Shack
and a electronics shop here.