Yes, so this would explain the similarity of Humans, Ferengi, Vulcans/Romulans, Tellerites, Klingons, Cardassians, those greek gods guys, Bajorans, Andorians, green Orion Slave Girls, Denobulans, Binars, Talaxians etc etc to each other.
But when they couldn't find any other sentient species, are we to assume that the ones encountered in the series didn't evolve until later? These being species such as the Gorn, Horta etc. Also, where do the Borg fit into the scheme? Did they evolve spontaniously? Or was there a massive Fortran Project scenario played out on some world?
Lastly, I would like to know how the Q continuum is to be viewed. Are these the original 'humanoids' who buggered off into a new plane of existance. shedding physical bodies for energy immortality - there was a TNG episode about that too wasn't there?