Originally Posted by maleficent
What it does is, it gives the people in HR a chance to justify their existance and think they are doing something good.
Hey! Just wanted to point out that not all HR people/departments are evil. They certainly can be, but HR is often constrained by laws and legal issues far more than the average employee. HR sits in an awkward spot - we are there to help the employee, but we also have to, in a very real way, assist the legal department - are we compliant? are we doing everything we're supposed to? etc. etc.
We have diversity training here too - we have to for a lot of reasons. Most of them are CYA (cover your ass). So that should we get an employee like in Cynthetiq's example and someone is upset, it's just the employee's fault instead of the big bad company or HR for not training them properly. Plus, the point of the training here is definitely awareness - people are bigots either way, but they CAN learn how to treat someone professionally no matter their personal feelings. There are lots of people I don't like that I have to be nice to anyway - I imagine it must be similar for a bigot.
It also helps with the vanilla ignorance cases - like not knowing social norms for other cultures that you deal with. That's pretty important in a hospital setting (I work in a hospital, clearly) because of all the different types of patients we have. We have patients, other companies have clients - isn't it useful to know more about the people you're dealing with?
That's not to say that all people will get something out of it, or that all diversity training is useful. But it's possible, right?