its a shame that when some people study 'comparative religion' its usually to try to pick faults and prove that their religion is supreme over all religions. and that goes with all religions.
any religion can be interpreted in any way u want it to be..look at the case of the Da Vinci Code.. you wouldnt think that such a ficticious book could cause such a stir, even though people knew it was ficticious...but yet people still saw conspiacies and secrets in the church. goes to show that people can be swayed any way u want, given the circumstances.
as for the 3 arbrahamic faiths, id agree that they are all of the same origin..islam stems from chrsitianity, and certainly uses chrsitianity and judaism as its base. it claims jesus as a man, but also a prophet rather than a God, son of God, God Incarnate, or heretic as the jews thought. it also shares the stories of moses, abraham, adam and of past prophets. its also worthy to note that under islamic principles, to be a follower of Islam, the confirmation of those past prophets is a must in order to be accepted into the fold of islam.
so id say that yes all 3 have some sort of bond
but to say that all wars or most wars start becaus eof religion is a little far fetched in my book. most wars are started by greed, politics and colonial conquest.. only then is religion brought in as a by-product of those actions. (iraq would be a prime example in this day and age, but there are many others)
as for achievements, i think religious intelectualism has provided much to the world. especially as a base. one needs only look at islamic Spain (Andalusia) where muslims and jews lived in harmony with one another. is was during this period that the golden age for thought, philosophy and science nourished.. i think it was also a golden age for jews during this time, as well as for the muslim empire.
fast forward a few hundred years, and look at the jewish/muslim mess... it begs the question...why?
my answer? british colonialism in the mid forward another 50 years.. the US meddling in mid east political fray.. seems like dejavu all over again...
anyone agree or disagree? id be happy to hear your thoughts
An injustice anywhere, is an injustice everywhere
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- Filthy