I was definitely expecting this one to be a heated debate, but I guess not...
Abortion should definitely be legal. Morally, I'm not sure, but in terms of real life, there's no question. Even if abortions were illegal, they would be done anyway, only in secret. That would mean physicians secretly performing abortions, and they would most likely not be the most reputable physicians, either. Also, if abortion was illegal, from a public health standpoint, it would be very bad. Some women would try to do self-abortions... I've heard of it being done with coathangers. The potential for serious injury is huge.
The only kind of abortion I'm really against is partial-birth abortion. The mother should make up her mind earlier to either have the baby or to not have the baby. At the point when doctors perform partial birth abortions, the mother might as well go through with the birth, then let someone adopt the child.
I'd rather be climbing...
I approach college much like a recovering alcoholic--one day at a time...