Originally Posted by RonRyan85
I have used a pretty good 3 motor Denon tape player and a small solid state amp to play the analog signals into my laptop with Total Recorder program installed to turn the signals into MP3 tracks. Works pretty good but I think it would be better if I had a good fidelity 5 watt? headphone amp to do the transfer. Any thoughts about this? 
Wow...I completely forgot I had posted here. Sorry for the wait.
Well, the only thing different about your two different amp possibilities would be input and output impedance, and impedance matching. I think that's probably really not something that we shoudl worry about...maybe a little to tweaky..!
BUT: how are you connecting these things, exactly? If you are using the speaker outputs from the amp to the laptop, you could have less-than-desireable results. I would imagine that the Denon would likely have a 2 volt output for a tape deck, and that should be enough of a signal for the laptop. An amp could easily supply too much voltage and could burn something up on your laptop. Just a thought: be careful!
Here is a simple test: take a one minute sample of music. First, record it with your current setup with the amp in line. Second, start a new recording without the amplfier, that is: plug the tape deck directly into the laptop, and record the same piece of music. Save both recordings to your desktop or wherever. Now, the most important part: Listen! Which one sounds better?
Have fun with it. I need to get my own casette deck out and find those favorites and get them on CD....thanks for the reminder!
One more thing: there is a place online called AudioAsylum. The have a PC Audio forum there. Some technical questions, some basic questions. If you get some time, browse the forum. Hell, sign up if you want! Good online info.
AudioAsylum PC Audio Forum