If you're worried about speeds in gaming, you might want to check out the new gaming router. It automatically detects packets related to games and gives them a higher priority than all the other crap floating through your router. But that's only important if you plan on downloading while playing. There was a topic about it in Gaming a little while back.
As far as security goes... There are three easy things that you can do to ensure (*coughcough*) security. They can all be done through the router's configuration interface. Disable SSID broadcast. This makes it so that your router isn't blatantly shouting out "Here I am, and my name is X!". Enable MAC filtering. This makes it so that the only wireless devices that can access your network are ones that you specify. Enable encryption. On most routers, this is WEP, which is insecure. This router supports WPA, which is better. I'm not sure how much better. But if your wifi card doesn't support WPA, then you're back to WEP.
There are problems with those three things, however. Anyone running *nix and a copy of Kismet will see your network no matter what your SSID status is. MAC filtering can be easily compromised by a knowledgeable hacker. And WEP can be cracked relatively quickly using traffic injection techniques.
So what am I saying? Enable those things, but don't expect it to turn your network into a fortress.