Originally Posted by Charlatan
That sentance was missing the word NOT... now fixed.
Gotcha, now it makes a bit more sense to me.
Originally Posted by Irishsean
Interesting point of view, but wrong. As someone who doesn't have genital piercings, you have no idea what your talking about, therefore your uninformed opinion means nothing. Genital piercings increase sensation for both partners, they also are somewhat of a rite of passage, or a meaningfull change in someones life marking a decision. Just because you don't understand or care to look into why people would get them doesn't mean there isn't a reason for them.
I don't want it to seem like I'm sticking up for Ben as I've already got my date to the prom already

, but...
The comment was probably made a bit tongue in cheek as most of Ben's replies are chock "full 'O' humor" as my friend used to say. So, you know, no need to get all bunched up about it.