Originally Posted by Charlatan
the cat turned around and let loose with a spray of stuff (seeing that the cat was very big it was very noticeable). It wasn't pee and was clearly coming from the area of its anus...
Spraying is accomplished by squirting a powerful jet of urine backward onto vertical features of the environment--doors, windows, drapes, walls, etc.--about 8 inches above the floor. Both male and female cats, whether neutered or not, can do this. Cats regularly revisit sprayed areas to "freshen up" the scent when it starts to decline. When investigating another cat's urine mark, the cat will display a curious, grimacing pose with its mouth partly open. It is using the vomeronasal, or Jacobson's organ, which is located behind the incisor teeth in the roof of the mouth. This extra sense allows the cat to smell and taste an odor at the same time and sends a powerful signal to the cat's brain activating a territorial response.
I have 3 cats (2 males, 1 female - all fixed) thank god they don't spray! Although when I bring something home that has a good smell on it (ie: another cat has been on or around the object), I do see the "grimacing pose"...