I'm astounded and amazed at the amount of responses I've gotten on this topic. There's such a varied response here, and everyone has a different outlook in one way or another, and that's awesome.
I can somewhat agree with flat5's response above, stating that:
Originally Posted by flat5
Most people in this thread are relating to the 'pretty' result of piercing.
I don't see that. I see punchered (sp?) skin.
I used to see it that way as well, and I'll admit, when I first got into piercings when I was 18, I just saw a hole in someone's face or ear. But I suppose something sort of caught on to me, and I saw art in it. I saw expression. Did I see rebelliousness? sure, who doesn't?
Now, for a person to get a piercing out of rebelling against society or other such factors as a whole; that I can't agree with. My piercings have always been to better the way I look at myself, because yes, I do think it looks good on me personally, and other people tend to think so as well since I dont go overboard with them. That's how I view them on other people as well. Piercings are an accessory these days, and I love that fact.
Great discussion folks.

Thanks so much for the kind and honest answers.