Originally Posted by Relentless
For myself, I find Thomas Harris' books right scary.  RED DRAGON, SILENCE OF THE LAMBS, and there was one earlier one called MAN HUNTER, I think. But, if you haven't read HANNIBAL, this might be the time. You can be scared and grossed out at the same time, but I agree with what Harris said in response to all the readers who bought his book and complained about it being rubbish and beneath garbage; YOU ASKED FOR IT!
Actually, <i>Manhunter</i> was the original movie made of <i>Red Dragon</i> in 1986. I've seen that and the 2002 remake, <i>RedDragon</i>, and they're both excellent in completely different ways.
Loved peeking around inside Hannibal's noggin. The idea of a memory palace is excellent, and I have got to read those books on it that Harris cites. I thought Julianne Morre made a less convincing but, paradoxically, better Starling than Jodie Foster, but then, Julianne Moore makes a better anything than Jodie Foster. *leer*