I would have to agree with the whole thing about the wearing of piercings to an interview. If you show up with stuff hanging out and about, please do not complain about the hiring process being "biased".
I don't get the whole genital piercing idea. There is no sane reason (other than to provoke shock value, IMHO) to do that.
BTW: My buddy calls facial piercings "Zippers". I asked why. His response (He is a Paramedic):
"When the Airbag in a car deploys in an accident, it is travelling at about 400k/hr. When that fabric touches a metal piercing, it rips off the skin, kind of folding it in a nice neat pattern. I have seen guys with eyebrow rings get their scalps ripped off, and those lip ring things tore a girl's cheek off..."
He also talked about a guy writing a memo right before an accident and the pen was blown through his eyeball and came out the back of his skull. It looked like the guy committed suicide. Yuck. Maybe it is the airbag and not the piercing. I don't know.
You really want to rebel and make a statement against authority? Go to school, wear normal clothes, get good grades, don't pierce or tatoo anything, get a job, go into politics, get elected, and fuck things up from the inside! Those bourgoise will never see it coming, comrade!