I went to the Barcelo Solimar resort. It was fantastic!
Not all resorts are created equal in Cuba. Remember that. 3 star there means 2 or 1 star other places... you definitely get what you pay for.
Bring Euros, since you are in the UK already it shouldn't be a problem. I heard that el Presidente decided that the US dollar was illegal, and anyone caught with US dollars (locals, not tourists) would be in biiiig trouble.
The locals are talking about "The Change": the changes that will happen when Fidel dies. The fucking guy is like 90 now, and people are starting to see the light at the end of the communist tunnel. If you want to see what Cuba looks like, go NOW! Once The Change happens, shit is going to hit the fan.
I liked the fact that the country was not spoiled by US influences. I hate her music, but to quote Joni Mitchell "They paved paradise, and put up a parking lot." That is what will happen once the US embargoes fall and the country embraces democracy. There will be fast-food joints and strip malls sprouting up all over the place. It makes me shudder just thinking about it. I want to go back soon (next 18 months) and then I will probably never return. I don't want to see that beauty plastic wrapped and served in bite-sized portions.
I went to Havana on a day trip, and it was beautiful. Old Havana in the Morning, New Havana in the afternoon, the Tropicana in the evening.
The Rum and cigar factories were closed when I was there (national holidays, haha) but there was lots to smoke and drink.
I went for a week, and it was too short. Make it 2 weeks so you don't feel rushed.
I will find some pics and post them here if I get a chance...
Cuba was fantastic. Different world altogether.
Hey, if you are impressed with my memorizing pi to 10 digits, you should see the size of my penis.