I'm new here....so, HI.
Looking forward to a good read is one of the greatest anticipations, in my opinion. Most all of the books mentioned, I would agree are scary..especially IT. I've read it several times, and if you haven't read the unabridged edition, well, you owe it to yourself. It came out many years ago and is about as thick as a concrete block.
For myself, I find Thomas Harris' books right scary.

RED DRAGON, SILENCE OF THE LAMBS, and there was one earlier one called MAN HUNTER, I think. But, if you haven't read HANNIBAL, this might be the time. You can be scared and grossed out at the same time, but I agree with what Harris said in response to all the readers who bought his book and complained about it being rubbish and beneath garbage; YOU ASKED FOR IT!
And, you get it.
Don't think about the movie. Movies never make the grade compared to the novels. Except for one and I can't think of it.

If you liked Lector as a character, you will really enjoy the tiny bit of insight into his pschye (I can never spell this) and the interwoven details of an actual romance between Lector and Clarisse.
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