Hate my family.
My Dad can be a real asshole sometime when he's drunk and is unable to make a clear descision because of his dumb bitch he calls a wife influncing him all the time.
My step-mother is one of the biggest bitch I ever known. She constantly bitches about everything I do. She has little control, if any, over her moronic kids.
My step-brother is one of the laziest son of a bitch I ever known. He's only 14 but he still could do alot more. He couldn't do one simple thing right, hell, I remember one time my Dad asked him to move bags of potato onto the Deck. He put it in the garage.
My step-sister is probably next to the biggest bitch. My brother (streak_56) can testify that she can't even walk around the house without getting pissed off at either one of us.
My Mom destroyed the family. Granted, she can go around loving somebody other than my Dad but that doesn't mean she could do it while hurting the rest of my family.
My grandmother can be a little full of shit.
My aunt left her husband, that's cool. It would be nice if she could get a boyfriend that's actually nice. It would be even nicer if she would stop hitting on me whenever she gets drunk.
Most of my cousins are idiots. They often patronize each other, my brother and sister and myself.
Hell, when I was younger, I often thought that my brother and sister are the biggest idiot in the world but now, I've come to find that they're pretty good compared to the rest of the family.
Looking out the window, that's an act of war. Staring at my shoes, that's an act of war. Committing an act of war? Oh you better believe that's an act of war