Rodney seems to sound right to me. Endorphins are normal for the body. If you don't have enough you get depressed. If you are causing yourself harm indirectly by engaging in activites that trigger endorphins then it's a problem. I drink coffee daily. It does release some endorphins as well as other hormones. Right now I'm trying to kick coffee because I'm drinking more and more each day to keep from getting headaches and feeling tired. So - I'm the BAD example of getting that endorphin high.
As for the bad back and knees - could you try another less stressful sport? Or at least wrap your knees to protect them while you play?
I believe the sun exposure releases dopamine as well. So long as you aren't getting sunburns and you use proper protection there's no harm in the sun exposure.
Your body is constantly releasing hormones and chemicals in reponse to things you do. Even laughing releases some of those feel good chemicals. So enjoy those good hormones in your body.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.