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Old 05-15-2005, 04:46 PM   #33 (permalink)
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Location: Tokyo, Japan
Excuse me, but since I have already declared myself the asshole of this thread.
Let me say

You are 18 or 19; you don’t know shit about shit. Next year you will look back to now and say “why was I such a bitch.” What you have come to is a milestone that everyone in this thread has reached. You are thinking “oh no I lost my love” but really, you just lost the only thing holding you back. Did you plan on going to the same college? I sure hope you didn’t go to a lesser college just to be with her. Have you set your classes based on her schedule? Do you know how many parties you have missed because you didn’t bother looking for them, because you ‘had a great girl?’

What she did was break up with you, going on a break line is just to make it softer on you. And even if it wasn’t, once she sees you acting weak like this she will lose even more interest. She will screw this new guy, and talk to her friends like she is the victim of your relationship.

“I really loved him, but I love new guy more, ooooooh pooor me.”

Once new guy screws her over, she will come back to you for rebound sex. But afterwards she will move on to a new guy. If you want to be her safety through college, go ahead.

I find many people I talk to, in my club or whatever, that have this same thing happen (happens to everyone who tries to date someone from high school while in college) end up later admitting a lot of it was about feeling they can’t find someone else.

I think that is what really has you upset; maybe you don’t feel you can get someone new as easy as your ex did. It also typically has to do with sex too, you had sex with her and you felt you loved her, but maybe you just really liked sex. Maybe I am wrong, but you should at least consider it. When you are remembering her, do you think about watching a walk in the park or does it turn into a sex memory?

Now if you haven’t been neglecting your male friends for this girl the whole time, you should try to go party with them. If you have, and I assume you did, you get to go make those friends. Join clubs on campus, even if you don’t really like what the club does, try it. Think about things you want to do in life, if you have trouble with this well… it could be part of the reason you are having trouble with girls.

You might think Buk was joking, but you should be hitting on her friends. But don’t stop there; start moving around, once she notices that she will try to come back. When that happens, smack her down and move on. Let her know it was all her fault too for being a cheating slut.

Sorry to be so harsh, well actually I’m not sorry for that.
Sorry your girl friend cheated on you, and manipulated you into thinking she was the victim.

I know when people told me this stuff after my first break up I didn’t want to hear it. But in the end it was better that I did. You don’t have to listen to me, you really don’t. But you see others opinions can help you. If I didn’t think this was good for you I wouldn’t have posted it.
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