Originally Posted by Lasereth
Anyone who denies the greatness of all three companies is pissed because they can't afford all three or is a fanboy. A true gamer cares about playing great games...
You've got me wrong entirely. I am neither a fanboy, nor lacking the funds to get anything I want. So why am I so bitter about Nintendo...? Because competition is what drives the industry. If Nintendo fails, the console market will completely dominated by Sony and Microsoft. When that happens, all the great games for Nintendo will be gone. Look at Sega, for example. Their consoles just weren't competetive enough. Nintendo dominated them. Now the only time I get to play Sonic is on the rare occation they make a game for Nintendo's hardware. If Nintendo continues this trend of mediocre consoles, its only a matter of time before the same thing happens to them.
And that is why you, as a true gamer, should care that Nintendo is losing their market share... and should be pissed that they can't figure out what makes consoles sell.