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Old 05-13-2005, 03:25 PM   #30 (permalink)
... a sort of licensed troubleshooter.
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Please excuse the disection method of response, but I feel it is necessary:
Originally Posted by prefect
I've been dating my gf for a little over a year, and I've become really attached. We started in high school, and we both just finished our freshman year (lucky enough to go to the same college) together.
Have you noticed a lot of sad posts start really happy and positive? I wonder if that is to help the reader understand the contrast between before and after things went horribly wrong. Well, the story sounds like the end of a Disney movie so far...
Originally Posted by prefect
Our sex life had gone down the tubes months ago.
I hate being right. Seriously.
Originally Posted by prefect
She said she just wasnt in the mood anymore. I always do things for her, compliment her, help her whenever I can, but she just sorta stopped reciprocating it so much. For instance I always rub her head, scratch her back ,rub her legs, give her massages etc. Nothing in return.
It sounds as if her interest is leaving you. You might consider a direct question that puts her in control like, "What do you want to do tonight?" or "Where do you want me to kiss you?". Often the loss of interest is symptomatic of boredom and her interests falling elsewhere (sometimes, unfortunatally, with other guys).
Originally Posted by prefect
But anyway, I'm not here to complain. Heres what happened. The other day she says shes going to the movies with her friend. Then she says "I'm gonna tell you something I dont want you to be mad, just trust me"
This is never a good sign. As much as I hate to admit it, often it is when people ask you to trust them that they don't deserve the trust. Hopefully this isn't one of those times.
Originally Posted by prefect
I say ok and she says "I'm going with my friend, her bf, and her bfs friend" her bfs friend being another male. I'm not going because we had recently decided that our decline might be due to spending too much time together (seeing eachother every single day in a tense school situation can do that). Then the next day were in the car and she says "yeah.. so theres something I have to tell you" i say ok.. and well, it turns out she kissed this other guy. twice. with tongue. so she wants to take a break because she likes this guy and she loves me, she just wants to be able to enjoy a bit of time alone and be able to do whatever she wants to do. I can understand this because both of us have been from one relationship right into another for the last 4-5 years of our lives.
Wow. I'm so sorry. Perspective: she has been less and less effectionate over the last few months, and then goes on a double date with her friend and ends up cheating on you, then procedes to brake up with you. Sound about right? She treated you like crap, and you clearly didn't deserve it. I'm not telling you to go and feel sorry for yourself, but you are justified in being down. You need to let yourself greive. Talk to someone about how you feel, and let it all come out. It's more healthy to sort it all out in order to have closure later. I'm not saying it's over for you two forever, but it seems like she wants to go out and act like a kid for a while, but you want more commitment. Those are two very different directions.
Originally Posted by prefect
Sorry for all the crap to read, but the base of this is I'm having trouble coping. She tells me to do the same she is doing, enjoy time to myself, but my problem is I get very lonely, and now that I'm home from school for the summer I dont have any friends except her and her friends.
Certianally no need to apologize. This is tough as hell, and you have some stuff to work threough. It's important for you to have some friends of your own to lean on right now. I don't reccomend leaning on any of her friends. If it gets bad, don't be afraid to talk it out with a psychologist (we're really good listeners).
Originally Posted by prefect
I cant stop crying, I cant eat, I just generally feel horrible and I want it all to end.
Um...please eat. Actually, don't just eat, eat good. A good way to battle being depressed is diet and exercise. Eat a lot of fresh fruits and veggies and try to get out and exercise. I can pretty much assure you that it'll help you feel better. Also, consider what you wmant when you said "I want it all to end." Be sure you know you mean you want to feel better, and not something worse.
Originally Posted by prefect
I'm hoping somebody out there has a "success after break" story.
One order of experiwece coming right up. Warning, it's a bit long.

I was a big nerd in highschool, and I loved it. I wasn't able to do sports because of a heart condition, so I went the music route. I was in band and had a blast. A friend asked if I could help her with her senior project, a musical, and I figured why not. I sang the part of the Phantom in the Phantom of the Opera. By the way, I really don't like the Phantom of the Opera, I just like performing. That night when I was getting ready, I met a lot of the choir members who had come to support my friend. Neways, I was playing the piano in one of the practice rooms to chase away to butterflies when a few people came in to listen. One of them was particularly interested (and quite beautiful). She introduced herself and I did the same and I asked her if she wanted to get married. I guess she thought my awkward attempt at humor and flirting was endeering, so she said sure. We went out to a Japanese tea garden on our first date and really hit it off. I decided to join choir to spend more time with her. We spent a ton of time together for the next year. The choir went on a cruise to Mexico and I popped the ""L" word. She popped it right back.

Then fate stepped in. My dad cot a call to another church and we had to move really quickly. Suddenly we went from 4 miles apart to over 300. She (being a year ahead of me in school) went off to college 400 miles from me. I went to visit her every weekend for maybe 6 or 7 months. It got to be very tiring, so the visits were less frequent, but we were still hanging in there. Then another problem. As we were together less and less we each got more lonely, and it became easier to look elsewhere for an end to the lonlyness. Eventually she met someone at her school and wanted to brake up before she was tempted more. I was heart broken. She said that if we were closer, we wouldn't have a problem (I'm not so sure). We stayed in touch, but grew apart. Eventually we were only speaking every few months.

I decided to just get on with my life after I had finished mourning the relationship. I contacted an old friend who was an expert nutritionist and get into shape (something I'd not been in since I was a freshman in highschool). It took me some time and a lot of effort, but I really got my life on track. I got into a great school and into good shape. I met the most beautiful woman in the world and fell in love. This love was much different than my first. It was broader (I couldn't think of the right word, I hope you understand) and more grand. It was intense in a way I can't describe. It wasn't better per say then the first, but it was deeper.

Guess what? I married her and we have a beautiful little girl now. I ran into my highschool sweetheart a few months ago, and she was doing pretty well. None of the terrible feelings came back. Her and her husband are good friends with my wife and me.

There is definatally life after a breakup. Please don't give up hope, perfect.
Originally Posted by prefect
If your going to tell me it wont work and my girlfriend is a horrible person, please dont bother replying at all.
There are very few truely orrible people in this world. A lot of what people do boils down to intentions and selfishness versus selflessness. Good people can do selfish things from time to time, and I think that's the case here. She was not wrong to grow apart from you, as that was outside of her control. She was wrong for cheating. It's that simple.
Originally Posted by prefect
The best help for you will come from yourself over time. You will heal and grow.
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