Originally Posted by Strange Famous
... two options:
1 - use deadly force by some means, and kill the attacker and protect yourself - suffering no loss of property or physical harm
2 - have possessions of yours stolen (whatever you may normally have with you - say wallet/handbag, phone and keys) and endure a mild to moderate beating (ie - physical injuries that would not require hospitalization or cause any lasting damage to your physical body)
If the ONLY consequences are as stated and there are no other repurcussions like having the the mugger stalk me (now knowing where I live) since I was such an easy target, then I would choose #2, loose my possessions and endure a few bruises.
In this hypothetical scenario, it comes down to this:
My wallet and bruises < Mugger's life
But without knowing all of this up front, I'd probably kill the bastard, while defending myself of course.