Originally Posted by The Original King
Make sure she's alive?
No really...
Going down on a girl properly is as complicated as it gets when it comes to sex. Each girl is so different that you can find a badass move that works on one and it will just piss off the next. You just have to be aware of the girls movements and if you can hear with her legs wrapped aropund your head noises are a good sign that your doing your job... And last but not least don't be affraid to ask a girl if it's going alright.
Oh, and remember to whipe off your mouth before you go in for a kiss... some girls don't like to taste themselves.
This is so totally right on.
I think for myself, I just don't want a mess of my own juices rubbed all over my face. The taste doesn't really bother me, but it depends.
The only thing that I might mention as a tip is to stick out your tongue and move your head back and forth like you're saying, "No" (your tongue brushing across the clit each time) and then dipping down into the opening for juices, then back to the clit. I've found that the head motion gives the tongue a break and gets a consistent rhythm going which is important.
Best of luck!