ICER, it could be that your friend is a fruitcake and just wants some attention. That's my educated opinion.
four years of psychology and the only thing I can come up with is fruitcake...curse state run colleges!!)
As an aside, the Salem witch trials only lasted for about a year culminating in 20 total deaths. Over the course of history early speculation was that there were 9million people tried, condemned, and executed. Recent research has shown that those numbers are verifiable to about 40,000...throughout history, not bad.
Intolerance has many faces, I agree, and Wiccans face an uphill battle with those that don't choose to educate themselves, however, your friend is creating an aura of intolerance in her own mind. Fabricating persecution and surveillance as a way around perceived judgement by people that she associates with who aren't Wicca. It's been my experience that those people who have chosen Wiccan beliefs are steadfast and care little what others think about their beliefs.
Or she could just be a fruitcake.