Originally posted by popo
Thanks for all the concern people. I definitely see that this is the place to get good answers if needed, but all I did was hide the folder and it's fine. In this case, the rest is just overkill but noted for future use if needed. 
As far as my wife knowing... not really. I mean I'm sure she knows that porn is oogled but doubt she realizes the volume of it.
Do your wives really know how much porn you guys have?
*raises her hand* I know.
I haven't looked at all of it, it'd take too damn long... and Jaid and I have differing tastes.
I want storyline, he could care less so long as there's action.
When we went about hiding our porn, we moved everything about a dozen folders deep in a gaming folder. This was after trying to make the limited user account, you could still search for everything on the regular one. I probably just did it wrong, but moving everything really wasn't a hassle, and our porn is actually still there *smirks*