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Old 05-12-2005, 02:39 PM   #13 (permalink)
Location: Fairbanks, Alaska
One important thing to understand is there are echelons in society. Many of those people who prefer to not embetter themselves and focus on here and now will make great middle men, completing jobs you and I both don't get too excited about. Like the repetive motions example, or running a convenience store. There is nothing really wrong with this. This is where I feel most people have the biggest problem. It is really hard to relate with people who attempt not to think or focus on materialistic means sometimes. The important thing to remember is they are making their own choices and make actions based on what they know too. They choose to be ignorant and choose to live their life the way they do, don't let anyone ever convince you otherwise. I think it is sad that there are distinctions between these people, as I once made them too. They are people, they do think, often times they have been strongly convinced not too. Beyond this if it is not your way to try to understand others than it is atleast worthwhile to learn from them, even the greatest fool can stump the wisest man.
Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success.-Albert Schweitzer, philosopher, physician, musician, Nobel laureate
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