In the Army, we are called on to search for missing people often, especially if it is a small child and near (about 1 - 2 hour drive) our base.
You have physically fit people who are used to being out in bad terrain and who naturally work as a team and take direcion very well.
When a civilian (usually a cop) is in charge of the search, it doesn't go as smoothly, but having a Major bark orders at civilian volunteers is not much better!
There was a bad one where our extended line found a body. The little girl was mauled by a bear after wandering away on her bike. It broke my heart. Years after I realized that at least we FOUND HER, and although dead, there was some closure.
I think about those poor families where the loved one remains missing, and I am thankful that we could do this for them.
Hey, if you are impressed with my memorizing pi to 10 digits, you should see the size of my penis.