Originally Posted by Charlatan
By the way, what is everyone's take on yesterday's vote in the House of Commons?
I think the Bloc and Conservatives are making asses of themselves by forcing the issue. The vote wasn't a non-confidence vote it was a proceedural matter. Why rush things? Even with the justification of Adscam behind they still come off like sour grapes...
They should just wait until next Feb when Martin has promised to call the election. In the meantime just let the country get on with business.
Of course their fear is that everyone in Canada will forget what has happened by the time Feb comes around...
I just love that the Conservative and Bloc are working together... politcs makes strange bedfellows, no?
I agree with you that it was just a proceedural matter but the point that they are trying to make (even though they are whinning about it is that they believe that the government has lost the confidence of the house.
I believe they have lost the confidence of the house. At the same time in a minority gov't (and one that is so closly split) it is easy to loose the confidence of the house. It is pretty much inevitable that the gov't will be brought down, if in the menatime teh government (not just the Libs, but the whole house) is useless, they why postpone the inevitable.
Originally Posted by Janey
Well! goddamit, what are the options???? Another minority gov't that is in bed with the Bloc, just so that they can pull down the current govt?? uh uh.
There won't be a minority gov't that is in bed with the Bloc. The Bloc will only do what they think benefits Quebecers. Therefore, unless they get what they want from the party in power, they will always oppose that party. They are not in bed with the Tories now becuase they are the Tories. They are voting with them becuase it serves them politically in Quebec to oppose the Liberals.
It would be interesting though to see how a Conservative gov't would try to keep power. They obviously would not be able to bring in the Liberals. It would be really odd to see them work with the NDP. And don't expect the Bloc to be any help to anybody.
I think that what it may do for them is legitamize them a little bit. Even if they don't last long (if they make it of course), if they play it safe they may legitamize themsleves in the eyes of some of the more right wing Canadians that are currently voting liberal becuase they are afraid of the Conservatives (made up of a lot of old Reform).
Everyone should be excited. Not for the state of our government, but becuase politics here have not been interesting in years. There is now finally something worth following.