1: The FedGov does plenty of "snooping and pooping" through people's online activities. However, they are primarily concerned with political dissidents at the moment. Religious registration does not ( yet ) exist in this country, and no provision of the USA PATRIOT act provides for such ( I checked ).
2: Many Wiccans are rivaled only by Super-Fundie Christians and the ADL in their mania for "More Persecuted Than Thou" syndrome. These so-called "Fluff-bunnies" base a large portion of their feelings in this regard upon fraudulent or misinterpreted history, particularly those portions dealing with the so-called "Burning Times" during which Wiccans ( who didn't exist yet ) were supposedly killed by the millions. This is largely based upon the thouroughly-debunked maunderings of a delusional "historian" named Margaret Meade, who seems to have pulled huge segments of history out of her nether orifice without any primary-source data to back it up. This sort of thing is, IMO, almost always a plea for attention. These people -want- to be persecuted, so that they can feel superior to those around them. Super-Fundies like Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell pull this stunt all the time. There is a lawsuit pending in Texas ( I think ) currently where a student is demanding to be allowed to wear red eyeliner, a 10-inch Mohawk haircut, several piercings, and black lipstick to class...not because he likes such things, but because ( according to him ) it is a function of being Wiccan. Funny, I can't find Geral Gardener saying any such thing....
IOW, your friend is not paranoid, she is full of shit. I have three Wiccan friends myself, and they all cringe when they encounter this sort of nonsense. They feel ( correctly ) that it gives Wicca a bad name by associating serious practicioners such as themselves with Fluff-bunny attention-whoring bullshit. You might want to direct her to the following website;
which is an excellent resource for this kind of thing.