Originally Posted by ObieX
You say this as if Bush wasn't the same way with Osama. Hell wasnt't some of Osama's family having a meting or party with US officials at the time 9/11 occured and they had to be flown out of the country? Osama was a VERY IMPORTANT person before all this crap went down. A VERY rich person, and a person who, if i recall correctly, was in the business of building buildings for very rich people. Him and his family dealt witht he US on many occasions, with extremely friendly relations up until 9/11.
Also we're the ones who trained and armed the taliban (the US) in order for them to fight russia for us. So up until 9/11 they were on pretty friendly terms with us as well.
This is wrong and offbase on a great many accounts. You do realize that the Bin Laden family is comprised of over 50 children Osama being a Jan Brady and son to one of the senior Bin Ladens least favorite wifes. Osama was never an important person before any of this went down, except for his actions in Afghanistan in the 80's, where the Saud family sent all the nutjob extremists to get them out of the kingdom. Osama's family had exclusive rights to Saudi Arabia contracts for building, some of which Osama worked on being a member of the family. Osama never dealt with the US, his family did, remember there were over 50 members, and by many accounts Osama is the black sheep with his fundie ways.
And your last paragraph is out of sync with the actual breakdown of time and relationships. America funded the Pakistani ISI (intelligence) during the Soviet-Afghan conflict (to the tune of 2-3 billion dollars), this was because we couldn't directly give them money because it was Islamist-nationalist conflict, America didn't fit in. The ISI in return funnled the money to the factions of the mujahadeen that they supported. After the Soviet presence left Afghanistan many of the mujahadeen remained and there was civil war and chaos until the Taliban was formed in the mid-90's and assumed power. As such in no way did we fund the Taliban.