Originally Posted by raeanna74
After we got married I WAITED for him to remember for several years. Then I decided to remind him. He still didn't know what to get so - nada. Then I told him WHAT I wanted for my B-day - nothing. For Christmas with the family I got him something one year and he didn't want to open it because he hadn't gotten me something and it would look bad. So the next year I bought him something, got myself something, wrapped them both, and then at the family gathering I unwrapped the present for myself that he had YET to see. The family still doesn't know.  So now - I just buy myself something and tell him that I'm considering it my gift from him.
I know he hates shopping for stuff and doesn't always know what to get but when I spell it out for him can it be that bad?? I mean the last time I said I wanted something I showed him a picture of it in a flyer so there was no question where and what and it was cheap - I think less than $5.
He's taken me out for dinner but I was still instramental in lining up the sitter and it was a co-operative effort even then. Surprise me at least once.
For now - I think I'm not gonna ask anymore. I'll just get it myself.
Wow. I can't believe that. I bet he doesn't forget what day is race day though. Or what day, you are planning on attending that latest swingers party.
Forgetting once in a while is excusable, but to make no effort to even get a Christmas present is just... wrong.
If nothing else I see these days (or any day I do something nice for my wife) as an opportunity to let her know that I love her and appreciate all that she does for me.