Since it is possible that one male can molest 78 children and it is unlikely that 22 children have the same caregiver. One can conclude that it is 22 times more likely for a perpetrator to be a female than a male -this from analysis of the perpetrators perspective.
Uh, we routinely have groups of 20 or more children being cared for by the same caregiver in daycare or in schools or in cub scouts. In fact, when children aren't with their parents, they're likely to be in a group setting.
But lets set those aside, as it's not really possible to ascertain the incidence of molestation by males and females by looking solely at victims, which was my point in the first place. Lets look at actual offender rates.
According to the
USDOJ in 2002,(table 38) 96.3% of sexual assaults in the United States were committed by males. Similar numbers are reported for other years. The fact is that men are far more likely to commit a sexual assault than women. Being suspicious of any one man based on this is overreacting, I agree, but it is a reaction that is based on empirical evidence, not just predjudice.
That said, I agree completely that the parents in your examples were unjustified about suspecting some wrongdoing or potential thereof on your part. If I see a person of either sex not known to me in the school halls, I'll stop and check for a pass from the office, but won't harrass a man any more than a woman. Under those circumstances, such suspicion was unwarranted, as there was little to no danger of abduction.