Originally Posted by Gilda
It's too easy to say he's a monster; that way we can distance ourselves from this behavior. His behavior was monstrous, but much of what humans do to each other is. This will never make it to a criminal trial. We'll have a guilty plea and a life sentence.
I'm having a hard time not getting some level of satisfaction out of considering what the other inmates will do to him once he makes it into prison. I have no sympathy for people of this man's character and I wish there were someway to help them.
Personally I dread all the possible defenses that they might bring out such as insanity, this man is going to suffer, either in this life when he realizes what he's truly done, or in the next when that knowledge is given to him. If you're religious or not, knowing that I'd hurt my child in that way would be the worst possible hell that I can imagine.