Originally Posted by OFKU0
That is 100% correct,...unless one is a teacher, nurse or on social assistance. I voted for Harris after Bob (here's a blank cheque) Rae was in and voted the second time because in 30+ years on the planet at that time, he was the one and only politician who actually did what he said he would do, and didn't cave into the whiners and complainers.
To bad he isn't interested in politics at the federal level. He could be one of the best pm's ever.
I have voted liberal for as long as I could remember. Except for when I voted for Harris and his PCs in their second term. For once I saw somebody actually DO what he promised. Even though his common sense revolution was trite and simplistic, he actually did what the electorate wished.
So I will vote conservative. what I will not do is vote Federal Conservative, not while the party remains reform under the covers. I for one am tired of westerners (speaking as a Vancouverite now - as west as you can be) griping about the 'Stupidity' of Ontario voters, always voting in the Liberals. Well! goddamit, what are the options???? Another minority gov't that is in bed with the Bloc, just so that they can pull down the current govt?? uh uh.
And besides, why are the Liberals in power in the first place? because of bad taste left in the electorate's mouth after the 2 terms of the most disliked Prime Minister in Canadian history and the PC party.. that's why. We have short memories.
I would vote PC er.. i mean conservative if John Torry was there instead of Harper.... Now that would be a party to reckon with.