Night Bird
Night Bird.
A woman is sleeping. Her spirit is not. There is a Night Bird.
assorted pencils on paper - 14" x 22" / 35 cm x 56 cm
I haven't given this drawing the final polish yet. It has been sitting in the other room so I didn't see it for a while. That way my eye will be fresh for putting it all into it's final focus. But the piece is far enough along to show, I think.
This one I'd like if anyone had thoughts or whatever to share them with me. This piece was a process piece in that the composition existed but many elements evolved while it was getting drawn. I think of this as a surreal work as well as a set of considerations, and wondered what other people think of it.
And now to disengage the clutch of the forebrain ...
I'm going with this - if you like artwork visit