Internal Coolant Leakage (possible replacement of head gasket, heads, bores)
My girlfriend's car is a 1994 toyota tercel dx. Lately she's been having a problem with internal coolant leakage. Now, checking around the web and in my manual(i've got a haynes auto manual for my 1990 mercury sable gs), it seems that internal coolant leakage is caused by a leaky head gasket, or cracked bores/heads.
Now i'm feeling all great about fixing cars because last week I changed the water pump in mine easy enough, and I gotta change the oil pan soon too. But how hard of a job is it to change the head gasket, or possibly one of the heads? Looking through my manual it seems that you need a few special tools but for the most part, everything is pretty accessible. Any advice? I'll probably buy the manual for hers too, cause these guides seem to be very helpful(based off a complete teardown and rebuild).
Fueled by oxytocin!