If you want a criticism of this generation we are in, here's a journal entry of mine: Cry, My Generation. Cry, 'My Beloved Generation?'
Originally Posted by Lak
I make a distinction which I'm not particularly proud of. I classify humans as either people or non-people. These two groups dont interact with each other very often...
I have made the distinction of there are humans, monsters, or non-humans.
You're average human is one that will feel all ranges of emotions, hate, love, happiness, sadness, and they will not bottle it up inside to where it causes mental and physical problems. However, humans sometimes are not aware of the damages they can cause to other people which can create monsters.
There are two types of monsters. The first types of monsters are those that deny the existence of happiness. These humanoid creatures are the ones that are bitter, vengeful, cursing everything that would bring happiness. Happiness to them is seen as too temporary of an emotion or can be used against them, making them weaker, less alert. You should be afraid of these monsters because they will act out upon humans for no reason, hurting them any way they can. They will lie, fight, and do anything to inflict their pain onto anyone else, chance to make them monsters.
The second types of monsters are those that deny the existence of sadness. These ones are to be feared of because they will go out of their ways to have any sort of "fun," at any one's expense. It does not matter what you feel, who you feel for, or what you say, it is all for them, everything they do.
The non-person is just one that disregards their emotions all together. They a generally neither good nor bad but they can be trusted at face value with what they say. What difference does it make to them what you feel if they will not reciprocate it? These non-persons deny their emotions because they feel that emotions are just so temporary and inebriating they are better off not dealt with.
In high school I have met all of these "people," and met them still in the real world. Once being one of those depressed vengeful monsters I know what it was like to be one of them. I changed because I have dreams for my future, and being a depressed spiteful prick is not one of them.
My generation, what a hell.