Originally Posted by roachboy
but there we are: it is from the experience of the cuban missle crisis that macnamara can talk about how easy it is, given the correct circumstances--to come very very close to nuclear war. i do not think the bush people have the faintest idea. the development of a first strike rationale in recent military strategic thinking is one index of this--the absurd, inconsistent positions taken by this administration on the bigger questions of nuclear proliferation on the one hand and american nuclear strategy for itself on the other speak for themselves. this stuff macnamara can talk about.
Cheney and Rumsfeld know very well about the prospect of mutual annihilation because they are both from previous cold war administrations. Not only do the Bush people understand nuclear war, they are now promoting new nuclear development such as "bunker busters" and calling for renewed nuclear testing in Los Alamos. These proposals and others are in defiance of the nuclear proliferation treaty that was signed in the '70's and is being reviewed next week.
For all of his faults during the Viet Nam era, he does know what he is talking about and experienced our country on the brink of mutual annihilation. We would all be well served if Bush listened to this man.