Did I mention that I'm a fireman and I get paid to moisturize this really well-dressed guy every morning? It's a good gig, but he makes me keep my pants on.
Oh yeah, something about style and fashion and all that: quick question. I'll confess I grew up in the eighties / nineties, and for me clashing shades of the same color is a big no no. For instance, two shades of blue, one light and one not-so-light (it's so much worse if the shades are really close) - maybe one shade for the shirt and one shade for the jacket, or pants etc. I've noticed that more people are starting to do this, and I think they all look like they got kicked out of a Mentos commerical. Anyone else have any thoughts on the acceptability of clashing shades of the same color?
/The Freshmaker
You don't love me, you just love my piggy style
Last edited by pig; 05-10-2005 at 01:23 PM..