Originally Posted by Lasereth
This is worth mentioning, but I've heard from a few paladins majorly differing stories. One good friend of mine says you're absolutely lucky if SoC procs even once a fight. Another says it procs 2-5 times every fight...I'm not sure which it is. Either way, it is a nice proc, but I never put trust into a proc for increasing your DPS. A warrior can instant click and get instant damage. A paladin has to "wish" for his proc to happen in order to use a slow 2H.
With PPM's that happens.Fights where you proc 6 times in a row and fights where you proc 0 times even out.
The idea is that a slower weapon has fewer swings, so when you do proc the damage is much higher, because SoC isnt mitigated by AC.
Slower two handers will out dps faster higher quality two handers in this situation.
Also wanted to mention that as far as Shaman two handers go, I couldn't beat the Arcanite Reaper for PvP.