Abnormal pap
I searched around for this topic, but all that came up was HPV-related stuff... which sort of relates, but I'm looking for more general abnormal-pap info.
So I had my annual last week and the nurse called me yesterday to tell me that some cells looked abnormal. She said they were going to send the ThinPrep to a hospital for more testing, specifically for HPV. I'm not really freaking out yet, and ktspktsp has been really supportive and calm about all of this so far (even though it probably affects him, too), but I am a little scared.
I'm not going to assume I have HPV, namely because I've only had sex with two guys, one of them being ktspktsp (who was a virgin). However, the first one... well, see the thread on "Stupidest thing you have ever done" for that story. Point being, I may have gotten HPV from that guy and never known it, even though I had a pap about 2 months after that experience and it was clean. Since then I've only been with ktspktsp, so I am puzzled as to how this pap came up abnormal.
So, has anyone else had an abnormal pap? Was it a false positive for anyone? Please give me an idea of what to expect, etc.
And think not you can direct the course of Love;
for Love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course.
--Khalil Gibran