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Old 05-09-2005, 09:32 PM   #1 (permalink)
-Ever-'s Avatar
Location: San Francisco
Widescreen LCD displays

My dad just got a nice new Sony Vaio and doesn't like the small 17inch lcd that it came with. He's arranged to swap it in and get credit towards a different display at Fry's. I told him that Samsungs are nice and that I personally like Dell but that they aren't carried at Frys. He's interested in the widescreen displays and wondering if they're worth the extra cost. He strictly does advanced Excel and business related stuff on his computer, so no DVD or gaming quality is relatively necessary. I know most widescreens aren't any better in general, but he's wondering if the seamless "real estate" is worth the extra price than getting say two 19inch LCD's (he's seen my setup so he know's how it works).

Guess I'm just looking for some opinions on widescreens in general, and furthermore, which ones to look at if you know of some. He specifically has mentioned the Samsungs and Dells so far.

Thanks for any info.
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