Originally Posted by alansmithee
I'd wait before shelling out for a Reaper simply because i've been hearing quite a bit that in the next patch or two they are gonna rework how atk power is figured with instant abilities to try to make quicker weapons better. The reason a reaper is currently so awesome is mainly because of the 3.80 speed (and axe spec being better generally than the others). If the supposed changes go into place, it would make reaper more in line with other end-game weaopns than the near-godly weapon it is now.
I really, REALLY hope they don't do this. I paid 750g for the materials for my Reaper. The reaper is pretty damned good, but it's not overpowered. The only thing that can be named powerful is slow weapons in general. My Kang the Decapitator hit for 80% as much as the Reaper did it and it's for a level 44. It's all about slow, hard-hitting weapons...the Reaper isn't overpowered.
If they do change how instant attacks are done, that will eliminate every single 2H weapon past 3.0 speed from being useful. Honestly...there's not one single reason to use a slow weapon besides instant attacks. If instant attacks aren't based on weapon damage then there's gonna be a lot of weapons floating around on the AH not being bought because they're over 3.0 speed.
Hunters, Paladins, and Shaman use fast 2H right now...warriors use slow 2H. Why change it? Warriors have sucked up until the patch before last, why nerf them now? We're just where we need to be. Making instant-damage abilities not based on weapon damage will RUIN the warrior class, end of story.