The Champion
The Champion
“she dances in a ring of fire, and throws off the challenge with a shrug” (words from Jim Morrison…they helped me to write this)
He bounds across the plain
with leaps of grace and intense speed
strength running through his veins
accepting challenges from his peers
He doesn’t mind
His mortal purpose flows deeper
than His raw emotions
He stands upright
shoulders high
with eyes that could pierce through a blizzard
air blowing in his lungs
combining with the blood to His heart
He has no name
but every knows Him
not a born hero
for his status was achieved
from bravery and courage
love and compassion
He is a champion of the lost
a power beyond all powers
except of his Father
He knows no match
but together
the Father and the Son are one
combined with the Spirit
they are three
a circle or trinity
being unbroken
through the perils of evil
accepting of the creation
with their abounding love
" yer damned if you do and yer damned if you don't "
-Bart Simpson