Originally Posted by arch13
To say that sounds fishy is an understatement.
There are ways to block a website (or that websites IP address) via the hosts file on a machine. That is not an easy thing to do however, and would require editing some of the system documents. It's a trick used by system admins to block pages like say ESPN.com from their employee's to get more work out of them.
I sincerly doubt this little trick was used. It is not very easy to do, and requires an understanding of how network DNS requests are routed that the average 13 year old in all seriousness would never have.
no offense, and maybe it's cause I know a thing or two, but adding a site to the hosts file is pretty easy IMO. I think I could have figured it out at 13, sheit when I was 13 I was bustin' some ass on my C64!! 
Until the 20th century, reality was everything humans could touch, smell, see, and hear. Since the initial publication of the charted electromagnetic spectrum, humans have learned that what they can touch, smell, see, and hear is less than one millionth of reality