In November of 2001 I was "arrested" and taken down to the local police station.
I am wondering if I was wrongfully detained.
Here is the Story...I was driving down the highway when an unmarked police car pulled me over. I wasn't speeding. The officer asked me to step out of my car. I then looked around befuddled because it looked like every officer in the county was surrounding me. There was even a helicopter/news copter. I heard reports that I was seen on t.v. as a suspect. I was then hand-cuffed without having my Miranda warning read and taken down to the police station. I was questioned about something I didn't even know about for an hour or so. They then had me sign a miranda and a search of the vechicle I was in paper. I was terrified. I still didn't know what they wanted me for. Then two FBI agents and the prosecuter came in. I prosecuter told me I was lieing and they still hadn't told me what I was detained for. Later on in the day around 6pm I was taken to the local FBI headquarter and questioned there. Only then did I know what they thought I was involved with. They thought I was involved with a kidnapping because I met with someone they had under surveliance. I didn't even know the guy. I just got my last paycheck from him, which they kept for a friggin week. They even let that guy our hours before they let me go and he was the one they thought was the kidnapper.
I still get very nervous around police officers till this day. I really would just like an apology, but I never followed up because I am afraid that they will use what I told them while I was scared out of mind against me. I mean I am not a horrible person, but I even confessed to the time when I was five and walked out of a seven-eleven without paying for potato-chips. At first I thought that was what they were bringing me in for.
Did they do anything wong when they immediately handcuffed and put me in the back of a police car without reading me my right? Did I give up my rights when I signed the miranda? Can I get an apology? Should I even ask? I don't think I can ever trust police officers again.