Well, I smoke weed about once or twice every month (not very often)..
When I smoke, I tend to get paranoia, but it seems to come in waves with me. For example, I'll smoke a few bongs and feel really mellowed out and acting more on reaction than thinking about it.. Then all of a sudden I'll become really self conscious and worry about my replys (when talking with mates), then once my brain has finished arguing with it's self as to why I shouldn't be paranoid I become relaxed again.. And then 5 minutes later my brain will switch and i'll become paranoid.. It's really quite strange. And this happens even if I am alone.
I think I become paranoid when smoking weed because when I am sober I am self conscious (I wouldn't called it parnoid) of myself anyway. So weed seems to enhance that sensation.
Anyhow, I do like to smoke weed (by myself) on the occassion, just so I can explore this 'problem' and see if I can try to resolve it..
Wow, this thread was start about 2 years ago! I think i missed the boat big time.