Originally Posted by Charlatan
I'm just impressed that we are mature enough to wait for the Gomery results.
The good part of that is some people will see for themselves hopefully who did what. By that point though I think most people will have completely lost interest or assume that what they heard was true or not and that it is old news. There is no reason to believe this scandal is any different from all the rest in terms of mismanagement, criminal, ethical or otherwise, and apparently it doesn't seem to matter a great deal.
I don't favour an election right away but if one were held now or a year from now, it won't make one iota of a difference. The Liberals scare mongering will win the day and people will continue to believe that all the Conservatives want is power at any cost which, ironically is the first page in the Liberals playbook.
Politics aside, I still can't find an answer to why Canadians are so apathetically contented with our attitudes toward big government. Maybe not interested? Don't care? Too busy? Don't understand? I just don't know. I just wish Canadians had the same passion for what goes on in our country as they do for hockey, Canadian Idol and Corner Gas.