Originally Posted by Charlatan
I am as perplexed by all of this as anyone... why *do* the Liberals continue to get support?
First, people have long memories.
The Liberals fixed alot of stuff. Economically, Canada is working. The debt is getting paid down, and we didn't rape our social programs to do it (well, only a lilbit). People remember this.
Quebec seperation was in real danger. Jean's claim that "we didn't account for the money well enough, crimes where committed. We should catch those that committed the crimes -- and the price was worth it for national unity" still has some weight in Ontario. Ontario is used to spending its money left right and center to keep other provinces happy.
The only conclusions I come to:
1) The Canadian people distrust the Conservatives *that* much more...
Know how much Alberta trusts Ontario?
Well, let me tell you - the Reform Party of Canada is not trusted at all in Central Canada. The Reform Party built it's existance by attacking central canada (both Ontario and Quebec), and it the current Conservative party is widely viewed more as a Reform Party take-over, and less as a reborn PC party.
2) Canadians *really* don't want to go to the polls right now and want to wait until February 2006 (read: if the liberals are ahead in the polls, the Conservatives will not force the election)
Aka, until the commision issues it's report?
Elections cost money. Having rapid elections costs more money. To quote a friend of mine "I don't know who I'm going to vote for. But, if anyone causes an election soon, that party has just caused me real direct financial harm. I'll vote to have them defeated."
He doesn't know how bad the corruption is, and finding out will take time. He does know that causing an election will hurt the national account.
Do national elections cost millions, hundreds of millions, billions or tens of billions of dollars to run?
3) Canadians are so used to getting ripped off by their politicians they just see this as business as usual...
Or, are willing to see if people will get prosecuted, and want to see more than just allegations?
I expect people to steal money from the government - people steal
office supplies, which are worth next to nothing, with a better chance of getting caught. There are dishonest thieves everywhere. The question is, are they willing to catch them and put them on trial?
Fuck, a friend of mine was working with some people, and they found a thief. They where selling DvDs. 3 of them had a partnership, and they had one employee -- on of the 3 people's brothers. One employee. Who stole DvDs and sold them on ebay.
After they caught him (because, like most theives, he was an idiot -- figured if he stole once and wasn't caught, stealing 100 times was just as safe), they worked out that their cash-flow problem that was making it hard for them to grow was basically that noid stealing goods and making them just barely profitable.
Corruption happens. The trick isn't preventing it -- the trick is catching it and burning it out.
Edit: They would have caught it much earlier, but their inventory management system didn't exist -- it was "stack of DVDs over there, ship it".
Edit2: Seplling.